Used Fitness Equipment Philadelphia – Great Deals On Used Ellipticals Philadelphia – Pound4Pound – Call 847-558-9748 – We Ship Domestically and Internationally

Looking To Lose Weight? Exercise On Your Own Elliptical Machine And Drop Extra Pounds!

Used Fitness Equipment Philadelphia

Used Fitness Equipment Philadelphia

An elliptical trainer machine is among the very best equipment you can utilize to achieve your weight loss goals. Used Ellipticals Philadelphia offer a total-body workout that helps to boost cardiovascular endurance as a low-impact option practically anyone can use for weight loss.

Before you start exercising with your elliptical trainer from Pound4Pound, it is a smart idea to develop your weight loss strategy. Realistically, you should aim to lose between one-half and one pound per week. Not only is that a safe schedule for shedding weight, but it can also help lower your risk of gaining the weight back later.

An important aspect of losing weight is knowing calories and their relation to body weight. For example, to lose one pound per week takes a calorie deficit of about 3,500 calories per week. This can be attained by eliminating 1,750 calories from your dietary routine while also “burning” an extra 1,750 through regular exercise. Used Ellipticals Philadelphia are ideal for achieving this goal!

As an example, an individual weighing 125 pounds exercising on an elliptical for just 30 minutes would burn about 270 calories. This same workout for someone who weighs 155 pounds would burn around 335 calories. Similarly, a person who weighs 200 pounds would burn around 400 calories!

Besides burning calories on your Used Ellipticals Philadelphia, it’s important to note that diet is an essential aspect too. Monitor closely what you eat to lower your calorie intake while at the same time increasing your consumption of healthy foods. Used Fitness Equipment Philadelphia

Pound4Pound is a leading source for high quality Used Fitness Equipment Philadelphia. We carry a large inventory of excellent gear perfect for home fitness rooms as well as commercial gyms. Order your next fitness machine today!