Used Fitness Equipment San Francisco

Pound4Pound – Used Fitness Equipment San Francisco – 847-558-9748 – We Ship Gym Equipment Nationwide and Internationally

Step machines (or steppers) replicate the motion of climbing up stairs. Steppers help the user develop stronger legs while also increasing cardio endurance. Steppers are ideal for and toning the lower body specifically. The targeted muscle groups are the hamstrings, quads, glutes and lower calf.

On this post, we present a few tips on how to use these remarkably effective fitness machines. – Used Fitness Equipment San Francisco

-For those who are new to using a stepper, it may seem difficult because the legs tire quickly. However, the key to utilizing a stepper is rhythm. If you go too fast at the beginning, you’ll probably struggle to keep the pace and finish the workout. Be sure to start at a pace setting that’s sustainable for you. Once you become comfortable on your stepper, you can incorporate some variety. There’s no need to just do the same stepper workout routine. By changing up your training patterns on the stepper you’ll find that it’s easier to focus. Before long, you’ll start to see some progress in your fitness levels.

-Place your feet flat upon the stepper. Stand with a straight posture to maintain proper form while on the machine.

-Once you’re comfortable with the motion of the stepper, try to minimize your use of the machine’s handrails. This serves to engage the muscle groups further. As a result, they must work harder and you’ll burn more calories during the workout.

-Limiting use of the handrails also engages your body’s core because you’ll concentrate on maintaining good posture and form.

Stepper machines are a great addition to your fitness regimen regardless of your condition. At Pound4Pound, we carry a large supply of steppers and other fitness machines. All our Used Fitness Equipment San Francisco are professionally refurbished to meet high quality standards. Used Fitness Equipment San Francisco